Encrypt And Decrypt File Online

This file encryption tool provides encryption and decryption of any file instantly for free. It can encrypt and decrypt any file having any extensions such as .txt, .docx, .pdf, etc. It provides mechanism to either encrypt the file with your own custom secret key or without any secret keys. This ensures the utmost security and privacy of your file.

Also, you can use this text encryption and decryption tool to encrypt any text instead of a file.

Recently, we upgraded our system and increased the file upload size limit to 6 MB from 1 MB previously.

File Encryption

File Decryption

Any secret key value that you enter, or we generate is not stored on this site, this tool is provided via an HTTPS URL to ensure that any secret keys cannot be stolen.

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The best way to encrypt a file depends on your specific needs and security requirements. Here are some commonly used methods and considerations:

  • AES Encryption:AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is widely regarded as a secure encryption algorithm. It's symmetric encryption, meaning the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. AES-256 is currently recommended for sensitive data.
  • OpenPGP:If you need to encrypt files for secure email communication or sharing, OpenPGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a good option. It uses a combination of symmetric-key encryption and public-key encryption.
  • Encryption Software:There are several software tools available that provide easy-to-use file encryption capabilities. Examples include VeraCrypt (for creating encrypted volumes), BitLocker (Windows), and FileVault (Mac).
  • Use Strong Passwords or Passphrases:Regardless of the encryption method, always use a strong, unique password or passphrase. Avoid using easily guessable passwords and consider using a password manager to generate and store strong passwords.
  • Consider Key Management:For encryption methods that use asymmetric keys (e.g., OpenPGP), carefully manage your private keys. Keep them secure and consider using hardware security modules (HSMs) for added protection.
  • Transmission Security:If you're transmitting encrypted files over the internet, ensure you're using a secure protocol such as HTTPS, SFTP, or encrypted email services.
  • Check Compliance Requirements:Depending on your industry or country, there may be specific encryption standards or compliance requirements you need to meet (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).

Steps to Encrypt a File Using AES

Here’s a basic outline of how you might encrypt a file using AES encryption:

  • Choose an AES Tool:Use a tool that supports AES encryption (e.g., VeraCrypt for volumes or OpenSSL for individual files).
  • Generate a Key:Generate a strong AES encryption key. You can use a tool to generate a random key of the appropriate length (e.g., 256 bits for AES-256).
  • Encrypt the File:Use the chosen tool to encrypt the file with AES-256, specifying the key you generated.
  • Store the Key Securely:Store the encryption key securely. Without the key, decryption is not possible.
  • Secure Transmission (if applicable): If you're sharing the encrypted file, securely transmit the key separately from the file itself.

Always ensure you understand how the encryption method works and what the implications are for managing keys and encrypted data.

Usage Guide

For encryption of any file, just upload the file of your choice and click on the Encrypt button, and the encrypted file will be downloaded instantly. Selecting a secret key is just an optional field and can be used to add extra security to the encrypted file.

One thing to remember here is the encrypted file content, or its name should not be modified in any way or else the decryption process will not be able to decrypt the encrypted file.

Always remember the secret key by yourself used during the encryption as this key is nowhere stored on our platform and hence, once the encryption key is missed, the file can never be decrypted again.

Similarly, the decryption tool can be used to decrypt the file encrypted on our platform. The secret key is optional but do not forget to supply the same secret key if any secret key was used during encryption or else the decryption process will fail.
