Encrypt & Decrypt Text Online

This online tool provides encryption and decryption of any text with a random key. This tool uses a random key which nobody knows and hence provides the utmost security of any text that you want to protect.

Also, you can try this AES encryption if you want to encrypt any text with a key of your choice.

Text Encryption


Text Decryption


Any secret key value that you enter, or we generate is not stored on this site, this tool is provided via an HTTPS URL to ensure that any secret keys cannot be stolen.

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Text Encryption

Encryption is the process by which a readable message is converted to an unreadable form to prevent unauthorized parties from reading it. Decryption is the process of converting an encrypted message back to its original (readable) format. The original message is called the plaintext message. The encrypted message is called the ciphertext message.

Text Decryption

Decryption is the process of transforming data that has been rendered unreadable through encryption back to its unencrypted form.

The best way to encrypt plaintext or passwords depends on several factors, including the level of security required and the specific use case. Here are some recommended practices:

  • Use Established Algorithms:Use well-established encryption algorithms such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for symmetric encryption and RSA (or ECC) for asymmetric encryption. These algorithms have undergone rigorous scrutiny and are considered secure when implemented correctly.
  • Use Strong Keys:The strength of encryption largely depends on the keys used. Use keys that are sufficiently long (e.g., AES-256 for symmetric encryption) and generated using a cryptographically secure random number generator.
  • Hashing for Passwords: For storing passwords, use a cryptographic hash function like bcrypt, Argon2, or PBKDF2. These algorithms are specifically designed for securely hashing passwords and include features like salting to defend against rainbow table attacks.
  • Secure Key Management: Ensure that encryption keys are managed securely. Never hardcode keys in your source code or store them alongside encrypted data. Use key management services (KMS) provided by cloud providers or hardware security modules (HSM) for key storage and management.
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS): When transmitting sensitive data over a network, use TLS (Transport Layer Security) to encrypt data in transit. This ensures data confidentiality and integrity between communicating applications.
  • Secure Implementation:Implement encryption correctly according to established best practices. Small implementation errors can lead to vulnerabilities that compromise security.
  • Regular Updates and Audits: Regularly update your encryption libraries and algorithms to mitigate against newly discovered vulnerabilities. Conduct security audits to identify and address potential weaknesses in your encryption practices.
  • Consider Compliance Requirements:Depending on your industry or region, there may be specific compliance requirements (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) for encrypting sensitive data. Ensure your encryption practices comply with these standards.
  • Defense in Depth:Use encryption as part of a broader defense-in-depth strategy that includes access controls, secure coding practices, and regular security training for personnel.

Encrypting plaintext and passwords is essential for protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access. By following these best practices, you can enhance the security of your data against various threats.
