5 Questions to Ponder Before Diving into Branding

5 Questions to Ponder Before Diving into Branding thumbnail
By Dhiraj 26 March, 2020

In an era brimming with competition, cultivating a brand with a strong foundation is essential when laying the groundwork to success. Transformative branding doesn’t happen overnight, though, and branding is more than a logo and a design — it’s an extension of your company and how it connects with the world.

Branding is visual, engaging and requires consistency and transparency. It’s a process that demands thoughtful insight, so whether you’re a small business, corporate company, or a startup in the works, here are five things to contemplate before investing into strategic branding methods.

What is your mission?

Strong brands are rooted in purpose. Ask yourself, “Why does my company exist?” A clear vision is the first step in building a successful brand. If identifying what your company specializes in and the services it offers seems complex, take the time to discover your narrative and then own it. One way to determine this is to write down a set of goals your company aims to reach.

Articulating your vision and the story behind your ideas is critical in building credibility and a network of loyal buyers, which is why it’s important to have a firm grasp on your company’s mission. When you can concisely convey what your company stands for in words, it becomes much easier for a brand to manifest itself.

What sets you apart

Drop the ego and be honest, what do you offer that your competitors cannot? It’s impossible to please everyone, so if you found your niche, stick to it. Hone in on what your company is good at and make it impeccable. Don’t fix what isn’t broken but strive to be receptive to change. Then study successful branding and make it your own.

The easiest way to get customers to choose your brand over others is by remaining authentic to your vision. One way to achieve this is through consistency— it builds trust. Stay true to your policy, style, and language. When you’re ready to start the branding process, hire someone to create an original logo. A logo is the first step in your visual identity, but your branding should reach beyond a distinct logo and be complemented with typefaces, icons, and follow color schemes that touch base with your audience's emotions.

A short memorable slogan is also useful.

Choose a name that speaks directly to your audience. Your brand name bridges your mission with your vision. Think carefully and be creative as this will likely transfer over to your web domain.

Creating a logo design that fits your company’s brand is very important. Check reviews before hiring a logo designer and make sure if you use an online logo maker that the logos can be customized and changed to your preferences. Do your research and find the best logo makers online.

How well do you understand your targeted audience?

Social-feedback is the driving force behind successful branding. Start by researching your audience or what you want your ideal audience to look like. What do they do? Where do they live? What do they want? What language do they use? What are their channels of communication?

How your customers perceive you highly depends on how much you’ve invested in prioritizing their needs. Do you listen to what your customers say about you to their friends? After all, they did find your company because of problems your services promised to solve. If you don’t understand or know them, your brand-marketing will fall short in two areas: Personality and Identity.

  • Brand Personality:is a set of human characteristics that your brand has embodied, such as tone, sound and style. An effective brand personality is relatable to its audience because it understands how they feel and sound like. Its attributes complement or align with their audiences beliefs. Also, an engaged personality is what gets customers to follow a brand on social media accounts.

  • Brand Identityas said by Snap Marketing, “is the face of your business.” A brand identity is the adjectives you would use to describe the brand personality. An effective brand identity matches the customers outlook on a company.

Does your product deliver what it promises?

A company’s core lies in the accuracy of its services and products. Before taking a go in branding, ensure you are aware of what product or service your company offers, how it works, and why your audience needs it. The answer is in the details. When you understand the intricacies of your product, branding it is effortless.

When creating your website, focus on a mobile-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, accessible, and allows customers to leave reviews or comments. Your website should be viewed as a tool to communicate with your audience. This way you’re always up-to-date with their concerns, likes, and dislikes. Practice transparency by ensuring your customers know exactly what they’re getting into by choosing your brand. You can do this by generating descriptive videos and uploading detailed photos to your website. Additionally, embed Facebook reviews and reviews from other online platforms to showcase customer feedback and build trust with new visitors.

Who are you competing against

Researching competitors is a crucial step to delve in before committing to a specific brand strategy. Do you know what your competitors look like? Is their identity unique? A company that scopes out its competitive landscape has a better chance at learning what works and what doesn’t. This means examining your competitors websites, logos, word choice, color schemes, and reading through customer reviews.

Take a look at their digital footprint. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are, in a sense, evaluation platforms and should be reviewed in-depth. From photo structure to advertising copy, analyzing digital branding trends that work in your industry will help you solidify a powerful brand identity that sets your company apart from the rest.


Branding is the next step in jump-starting your company, but it takes time to perfect. It requires diligence, trial and error, and showing without telling. These five questions are only a few of a nearly endless checkbox, but pondering them will shed light on where your company excels and areas to improve in. Ultimately, it’s important to remember that for branding to be successful, you must be okay with taking the backseat because on this road, the customer is always driving.


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About The Author

A technology savvy professional with an exceptional capacity to analyze, solve problems and multi-task. Technical expertise in highly scalable distributed systems, self-healing systems, and service-oriented architecture. Technical Skills: Java/J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, Reactive Programming, Microservices, Hystrix, Rest APIs, Java 8, Kafka, Kibana, Elasticsearch, etc.

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