Jasypt Encryption and Decryption Online

Jasypt stands for Java Simplified Encryption.It provides basic encryption of plain-text, numbers, binaries to secure confidential data.It is completely thread safe and provides high performance in multi processor too.

Jasypt provides simpler ways to encrypt and decrypt text and it does not require any deep knowledge of cryptography to get started with it.Simply, feed a plain text that you want to encrypt and Jasypt will do the rest of calculation and result an encrypted text for you.This kind of encryption is one-way encryption.It also provides two way encryption mechanism. While implementing two-way encryption, apart from feeding plain-text you also require to feed the secret text and this secret text can be used to decrypt the encrypted text.

By default, Jasypt uses PBEWithMD5AndDES encryption algorithm but it provides options to select other stronger encryption options too such as PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES The free Jasypt Online Encryption and Decryption tool below provides option for one way as well two way(simple) encryption and decryption.It also provides option to compare a plain text with Jasypt encrypted password.

Jasypt Online Encryption

Jasypt Online Decryption

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